Timothy Armoo is the most well-recognized name in the business world. He set his name among the line of young millionaires. However, he made great struggle throughout his long route journey. He also faced failures at different stages in his life. But he used these failures stones as a stair to reach the pinnacle of success.
He not only set his name high in the business world but give the people a number of reasons to remember his name. he is not an entrepreneur but also a multi-talented person.
Armoo; a name to remember
Timothy Armoo is talked-of entrepreneur, motivational speaker globally and young millionaire. He is a businessman with mind-blowing thinking mindset with a huge courage. the reason behind the inspiration of large pool of students. He also has a wide range of skills that also helped him to shine bright among all.
Life history
Armoo was a poor kid born in London, United Kingdom. He spent his life throughout as a very poor kid. He was bringing up in a state of hackney. Timothy went to his grandmother to live there when he was only 3. He lived there in Ghana for about 10 years.
Education background
Timothy went to one of the best institutes for studies. He showed remarkable performances at all the study levels. He went to university of Warwick for higher studies. At that time, he wants to become a journalist or something else.
While this whole journey of study, he also gathered large number of skills. When he was 21 years old, he builds up fanbytes. This was proved a turning point of his life.
Career startup
He took startup of his career when he was studying. He founded the fanbytes along with two of the friends named Ambrose and Mitchell. At that time, they have no money to invest.
They contact with different investors and convince them to invest. Within five years, the fanbyte network grown to 70 to 80 people. Timothy makes collaboration with large brands including Samsung
The fanbytes has grown to a large network of influencer marketing within a very short time. It also started working with many other famous brands. It provided the brands with large pool of young audience. That eventually led them to large sales and profits.
Being millionaire at 27
Timothy becomes a millionaire at young age when he was 27. He started this agency at 21. then, he sold the fanbytes agency to the brainlabs in 8-digit deal. He handed it over to Daniel Gilbert, CEO of brainlabs.

Digital marketing strategy
The marketing strategy of timothy blown away the minds of the brands when it came to succeed. Influencer marketing has proved to be great advantageous for the brands and companies.
A great mentor
On the other hand, Armoo has also made his name among one of the most influencing mentor and speaker in the world. He reached a very high listener audience globally. He also gains millions of followers at social platforms for his remarkable words and thinking’s.
At social platform, a large number of youngsters are taking guidance and tips for different aspects of life. One of the highlights include motivation and entrepreneurship tips.
Generally asked question
Explain the Armoo’s strategy of digital marketing?
Timothy armoo believes in number of different strategies for marketing. Some of them include advertainment, high creativity, eye-catching advertisement, etc. sandwiched-ad-format is also one of them.
Give a review of timothy Armoo’s career building?
Armoo’s career is all about the journey of a poor kid from nothing to everything. He becomes a millionaire at 27 only. This is not about sudden success. He had also lost hundreds of dollars when he invested in Alibaba.
The lost he faced here does not define his career. His actual career started after that when he founded the digital influencer company named fanbytes.
Explain the educational career of timothy?
Timothy took his initial education in Ghana. Then he went to university of Warwick. Then in the last years of his study, he founded the well-known company fanbytes along with his two friends.
In timothy words, life is unpredictable journey.
No matter what you have studied is gonna make you succeed. Not sure that what you have think of becoming, you’ll or not. but if you’re sure enough to make consist of effort then no one can take you away from success.
The more you mastered your skills, more the chance to get succeed. No matter you are born poor or rich, the game is only about struggle at the end.